Finding support at school
There are a number of reasons why you would wish to contact the school:
- For absence, attendance, holiday information and anything relating to a change of your details (names, addresses, numbers etc) please contact the school office on 01270 918988 or
- To speak to a member of the teaching staff please speak to them at the end of a school day once the children have been dismissed or for a longer appointment, please contact the school office.
- For a concern which relates to a child's special educational needs or disability, please contact Miss L Henry, via the school office.
- For a concern relating to SATS, assessments or the curriculum contact your class teacher, Miss Hadzik Assistant Head or Mr Griffiths, Deputy Head .
For any Safeguarding concern please contact Mr Cox, Head Teacher, Mr Griffiths, Deputy Head or Miss Henry, SENCO through the school office.