Admission Arrangements
School Admissions
At The Dingle Primary School we follow the Cheshire East Admission Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools.
If you live in England you must apply on your 'home' local authority's application form (i.e the authority where you live) even if you are applying for a school in another local authority. Other applicants can apply direct to Cheshire East for a Cheshire East school.
We will ensure that any personal or sensitive information will be held in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and General Data Protection Regulations 2018.
In Year Admissions
Applications for school places ‘in year’ are for admission after the first day of the school year into any year group but this does not include applications being made for admission to the new reception and year 7 class for September admission.
If you wish to apply for a school in another local authority, you will need to contact the relevant authority to find out how to make an application.
For the relevant forms and for further information, please visit: