Our Personal Development Curriculum

Pupils’ Personal Development

The vision for our school includes a place of learning, laughter and friendship and this is key to the personal development of our pupils.

To this end, the curriculum at The Dingle Primary School extends beyond the academic, and prepares pupils for a life in a diverse society, as an active citizen. It will also prepare them for situations where they could be negatively influenced by other members of society. Our curriculum will therefore develop in the pupils such attributes as resilience and confidence to help them manage such situations.

Personal Development is a broad spectrum of learning including Keeping Safe, Spiritual, Social, Moral and Cultural understanding, as well as understanding British Values and being healthy. Our curriculum is therefore designed to teach children about:

  • Right and wrong and taking responsibility for our actions
  • Fundamental British Values of democracy, individual liberty, the rule of law, mutual respect and tolerance.
  • Understanding about equality, that difference is a positive and that individual characteristics make someone unique
  • Promoting an inclusive environment so that children are motivated to reflect, learn eagerly, behave with integrity and cooperate consistently well with others.
  • Developing confidence, resilience and knowledge to be mentally healthy
  • Keeping safe online and the appropriate use of mobile technology
  • How to keep physically fit and eat healthily, with the opportunity to be active and take part in extra curricular activities.
  • Healthy relationships and appropriate sex education.
  • Possible future careers and an aspiration to do well in life.
  • How to prepare themselves for High School.

Our curriculum will also develop pupils, spiritually, morally, socially and culturally. They will be taught to:

  • Be reflective about their own beliefs and those of others, religious or otherwise.
  • Develop a sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning.
  • Use their imagination and creativity and to reflect on their experiences.
  • Recognise the difference between right and wrong, an understanding of the importance of rules and laws and to understand there will be consequences to their behaviour
  • Have reasoned views about moral and ethical issues
  • Develop social skills to interact with different people
  • Participate in school and community events
  • Understand and appreciate different cultures, the influence they have had on them and society.
  • To participate in artistic, musical, sporting and cultural opportunities.

The children will have many opportunities through the curriculum, assemblies, trips, residentials, extracurricular and other activities to develop personally. The school recognises that many of the outcomes will not be seen in school and  be evidenced in their later lives.


All children in our school are taught PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) through the 'No Outsiders' scheme.  This is a book-led scheme which promotes an ethos of inclusion and tolerance, and aims to prepare children for life in modern Britain. Details of the objectives for each year group can be found on the file below.


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Dingle Primary School

Headteacher: Mr B Cox

The Dingle, Haslington, Cheshire, CW1 5SD

Main Contact: Miss Charlotte Clark - School Business Manager

Tel: 01270 918988

Email: office@dingle.cheshire.sch.uk